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Wisdom is the Wisdom of Wisdom

Wisdom is the Wisdom of Wisdom

Focus on the Family talks a lot about the wisdom of the Bible. The reason is because more than any other factor God’s wisdom is critical to the success of a marriage, a household or a culture. If we don’t have His wisdom, then poor and even destructive decisions are certain to follow.

At the height of #MeToo, The New York Times The report stated that 201 powerful men were exposed for mistreating women. We’re talking about titans of the business world, of politics and of the entertainment industry. Their actions cost them their careers and their reputation. Several of them ended up in prison. Or dead.

The question is, “Why did those 201 men (and others) believe that their power gave them the right to mistreat anybody?”

The answer is that they were lacking in wisdom. Cultural factors played a role, I’m sure, but most importantly these men lacked an inner moral compass. The men replaced objective morality with whatever they felt they could get away.

Without God’s wisdom, we choose selfishness over generosity, immediate gratification over long-term gain, and greed over sacrifice. We can channel our influence and power with His guidance.

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