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Real Life Roadhouse – How to become a bouncer

Real Life Roadhouse – How to become a bouncer

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We thought that the Roadhouse reboot would be an excellent time to learn to become a bouncer. We are pretty sure SkillsetHQ wasn’t the only one daydreaming about loud music and ass-kicking. Although we prefer the original Patrick Swayze, it’s not a surprise that we love this version more. Like POINT BREAK, let the classics be!

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How to become a bouncer

 Some people think that you just have to be a “meathead” in order to bounce in the hip club downtown. Well, this isn’t exactly correct. Although being big is a valuable asset, several other factors go into getting the position and knowing what lines you can and can’t cross. 

Bouncers are not as simple or easy as you might think. This is especially true with the many twenty-somethings standing in line and waiting anxiously to pass the velvet cord. There are also a few myths and misconceptions about the job of a bouncer, which may be partially true or completely false. These will all be discussed and debunked. So get your I.D. Your crash course in becoming a bouncer will soon begin.

Are You a Good Fit?

Before you jump at the chance to become a bouncer at a local club, do you know if it’s the best fit for you? You can certainly see the appeal of this job. You get to spend your nights with (mostly beautiful) women, and you have the opportunity to show off a few muscles if you want to. When you take a closer look, the job may not be as appealing as it seems. You need to be someone who is a night person. The clubs stay open till early morning, so it’s better to be a night owl than an early riser. 

Second, do you enjoy your weekends? If you do, then kiss them goodbye. Friday and Saturday night are crucial times for clubs to operate. Good luck if either of these days are free. Finally, if you like standing around your entire shift, that’s good. Because you’re on your feet for hours on end. Here are a few basic requirements for the job. Here, we will get into the details of this often misunderstood career. 

Get in Good Physical Shape

Before you answer the call for bouncers, it’s wise to bulk up if you still need to. Getting in great physical shape and hitting the gym will help you get a foot in the door. First impressions go a long way, so if you look the part, that’s most likely half your battle. 

With proper planning, you may also be able to enroll in martial art or self-defense courses before looking for work. Krav Maga can help you in many ways if your goal is to become a bouncer. Just be sure the art you choose is self-defense-oriented and not based mainly on competition, philosophy, or soft, non-defensive arts. 

Being both in tip-top shape AND currently taking classes directly related to the work you’re looking for offers the one-two punch to the hiring staff, and your application may move to the top of the pile.

. Bear in mind that becoming a bouncer (in some states) is the same as becoming a security guard. The process is similar, if not the same, and you’ll be certified to work in such establishments as a bar, billiard hall, sporting events, concerts, etc.
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Formal Education Required

Some states require that you undergo training in order to become (certified) bouncers, while others don’t. You will be better off doing your homework. You should then follow the correct channels to obtain your certification. It would involve filling out a form, taking an exam, paying the fee, and getting your license. You should know that in some states becoming a security officer is the equivalent of becoming a bouncer. 

The process is similar, if not the same, and you’ll be certified to work in such establishments as a bar. It’s also advantageous to be twenty-one or older when you apply. It is common for businesses who serve alcohol to require this minimum age. The bouncers will be constantly around alcohol and will not be entangled in any issues that you may face as a minor. 

Furthermore, any classes that deal with conflict resolution, alcohol and drug regulations and identification, and reading a person’s body language are all icing on the cake to beef up your resume (and be very useful if you get the job.) CPR training, first-aid classes, and emergency response workshops are also areas where you can land the job. 

Background Check

Before a business will accept your application, it may conduct a criminal record check. The reasons why you are not invited to an interview may vary depending on the business. However, you can avoid being rejected by keeping your criminal record clean or logically addressing any red-flags.

Legal Accountability

Here’s the tricky part of being a bouncer. You do not enjoy any legal advantages over others if you are hired. It may seem to other people waiting in line that bouncers have the right to throw anyone around wherever they like.

 This is not the case, so if you seek the thrill of being a hired tough guy, then you’re not right for the job. It’s the same if they are drunk, screaming like a fool, and just generally being an A-hole. A bouncer’s first line of defense is to de-escalate the problem by talking with the troublemaker. Talking to the troublemaker in a calm, steady voice can prevent a physical confrontation. 

However, if talking is not allowed and the situation escalates from verbal to physical, the police should be called and they will handle the rest. Now, I know someone is thinking, “But I see bouncers getting into fights and tackling people to the ground.” So what’s the real deal? It’s the same for everyone else. If the bouncer is attacked physically, then self defense can be used and they can fight back. 

See you in Court

If the bouncer is involved in an incident where a person is being injured, they can also use force to stop the injury. It is now unclear who is legally responsible if a bouncer initiates violence. The court will determine the true guilty party after the facts are established. Simply put, if the bouncer acted on the orders instructed by the establishment’s management, the business could be sued. 

However, if it’s proven that the bouncer acted outside the policies of the company that they work for, then the bouncer themselves would be held accountable. 

Job Security

There is a high turnover of bouncers, club security personnel and other employees. Many people take the job to earn extra money, but they quit when their financial fortunes return. It opens up the job market to those who want to fill the position. Finding a new role is as easy as finding another profession. As they age, many of them find a partner, have children, and change their lives. 

Fake IDs Are Not Acceptable!

A bouncer’s life is not for everyone. It may be for you in the short-term. If so, follow the steps, pump some iron, and before you know it, you’ll be checking I.D.s and controlling the hectic scene in front of the club with everyone in line wondering if you’ll unhook the velvet rope for them. 

There are plenty of paying jobs out there, of course some are stranger than others.
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Does the idea of being a bouncer no longer appeal to you? Consider these alternative jobs instead: There are Weird Jobs that Pay

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The post Real Life Roadhouse, How to Become A Bouncer first appeared on Athlon Outdoors.

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