Home Featured Yoga’s Role in Empowering Young People Amidst Rising Crime Rates

Yoga’s Role in Empowering Young People Amidst Rising Crime Rates

Yoga’s Role in Empowering Young People Amidst Rising Crime Rates

Om Yoga Magazine
Yoga’s Role in Empowering Young People Amidst Rising Crime Rates

Yoga’s role in empowering youths amidst rising crime rate

CharlottaMartinus: Harnessing Yoga’s transformative Power to cultivate inner peace and resilience among vulnerable youth

Reading time: 3 Minutes

The sobering statistics about youth crime in the United Kingdom, and elsewhere, have increased our concern for young people’s well-being. Recent data presents a worrying picture. Youth crime in the UK has increased, with an increase in knife crimes, drug-related incidents and gang violent.

The Office for National Statistics reports that the number of knife or sharp instrument crimes committed by youth aged 10-17 has increased in the last few years and will reach a new record in 2020. The Metropolitan Police also revealed a worrying rise in violent crimes among teenagers. Many incidents were linked to…

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