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Why yoga teachers should check their personality

Why yoga teachers should check their personality

Om Yoga Magazine
Why Yoga Teachers Should Check Their Personality

Why Yoga Teachers Should Check Their Personality

Megan Biondi explains who benefits when yoga instructors are aware that their viewpoint is different from the students they teach.

Reading time: four minutes

As yoga teachers, we may find ourselves rattling off cues in that aren’t realistic for all body types, naming poses in Sanskrit, calling unwanted attention to certain attendees, offering uninvited hands-on adjustments, and simply not being aware of the language we use and its impact on practitioners of positionalities different from our own.

These reasons and more can be benefited by yoga teachers who examine their own personality to see what implicit biases they may have in their teaching and their practice.


Yoga teachers need to be aware of their own body type and ability when cuing shapes or correcting alignment.

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