Home Featured Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator? It's not Craig Wright according to a UK judge

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator? It's not Craig Wright according to a UK judge

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator? It's not Craig Wright according to a UK judge

The identity Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous Bitcoin’s creator, remains the biggest mystery of the cryptosphere. There's been a lot of speculation as to who the person or persons behind the first and most valuable crypto really are—and there are a few claimants too. Most well-known is Australian academic Craig Wright. A UK high court judge ruled after years of litigation that Wright was not Satoshi.

The lawsuit was filed by a grouping of cryptocurrency firms called the Crypto Open Patent Alliance. The lawsuit sought to prevent Wright from claiming he is Satoshi Nakamoto and using that recognition to increase his influence in the cryptocurrency sector.

The Guardian has published quotes from Jonathan Hough KC – a lawyer for COPA. He argued that Wright’s claim that he created Bitcoin and wrote its whitepaper was a “brazen lie and elaborate false narrative supported by forgery on an industrial scale”. He also added “there are elements of Dr Wright’s conduct that stray into farce.”

The group argued Wright's supporting evidence included provably forged documents, backdated edits and even traces of ChatGPT…

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