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Edtech for Early Elementary Education

Edtech for Early Elementary Education

By Kaitlin Anselmo Pothireddy

Teachers around the world are grappling with this question: Should edtechs be used as early as elementary school? In the debate, technology is often compared to concerns over screen time. 

At Khan Academy, we assert that the issue isn’t whether to use educational technology but whether we’re choosing the right tool for the job. That’s where Khan Academy Kids comes in. This tech platform was designed specifically for your youngest students in grades PreK-2. It will delight both teachers and children.

Why so early to start?

Early exposure to technology has a profound impact on cognitive development, according to studies. Introduce edtech at an early age to lay the foundations for future academic success. 

Edtech can transform the early elementary classroom from a static hub of learning into a dynamic one. It can teach literacy, numeracy and creativity while nurturing critical thinking and creativity.

What makes an instrument high-quality?

It is important to consider age appropriateness, engagement and enjoyment. That’s why Khan Academy Kids was intentionally designed to include hundreds of free books, creative activities built to promote metacognition, and…

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