Home Education Beyond Memorization Strategies for Long-Term Memory 

Beyond Memorization Strategies for Long-Term Memory 

Beyond Memorization Strategies for Long-Term Memory 

How can we improve student retention of learning in our courses How can our students convert newly acquired information to long-term knowledge that they can retain and apply in the future. It can be difficult for students to cope with the demands of college or university, especially those in their first year. This is why it’s important to develop strategies that will help them retain information.   

Let’s start by taking a look at the learning pyramid, which demonstrates the seven learning strategies and ranks them based on their degree of effectiveness for learning retention:  

According to this pyramid, the methods of passive learning include reading, listening, audio-visual and demonstration. While passive learning doesn’t necessarily mean students aren’t active listeners, or that they don’t engage with the material they are presented with, it does imply that they may be less inclined to challenge or reflect critically on it.  

On the other hand, with active learning, students are encouraged to actively participate in activities and discussions relevant to the subject matter and to critically question—and even challenge—the content they are presented with.    

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