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Baby stars release gassy ‘sneezes’ while forming

Baby stars release gassy ‘sneezes’ while forming

A bright disk, called a protostellar disc, surrounds the baby star in the center. Magnetic flux, dust, and gas are shown in blue. Researchers found that the protostellar disk will expel magnetic flux, gas, and dust—much like a sneeze—during a star’s formation. ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO).

Sometimes our bodies will forcefully expel the dust from our noses by sneezing. It is possible that baby stars are experiencing a similar phenomena. The protostellar disk surrounding a newborn star has been observed in new ways. These observations provide an insight into how it releases dust, gas and electromagnetic energy. The team from Kyushu University in Japan describes these “sneezes” as a release of magnetic flux or energy that could be a vital part of star formation. In a study that was published in April 2011, the findings were described. The Astrophysical Journal.

Star formation is complex and we do not yet fully understand it. These large areas of space that are full of the raw materials needed to create stars–gas, dust, and energy. The stellar nurseries, which are large areas of space with high concentrations in dust and gas, eventually condense to form a stellar core. Over time the stellar…

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