Home Featured You can track your progress in 5 ways.

You can track your progress in 5 ways.

You can track your progress in 5 ways.

Om Yoga Magazine
You can track your progress in 5 ways.

You can track your progress in 5 ways.

Fitness Tracking: Charting your Progress Towards Health and Strength by Cora Gold

Reading time: four minutes

Starting your fitness journey will help you live a healthier lifestyle. Whether you’re aiming to shed some pounds, build muscle, increase your cardiovascular fitness or improve your overall health, tracking your progress is crucial for staying motivated and achieving your goals. There are a variety of tools and techniques that can help you track your fitness journey. 

Beyond the Scale

While the scale can be a useful tool for tracking progress — and for many, it’s the go-to tool — it’s important not to rely solely on it as a measure of success. Weighing can be a good indicator of success. The fluctuation of the price can be due to many factorsIncluding changes in water retention and muscle gain. Focusing on other indicators, rather than the number on the scale can help you to improve your fitness.

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