Home Featured Wilson Phillips star Chynna Phillips is set to have a 14-inch tumor removed from her leg: Updates

Wilson Phillips star Chynna Phillips is set to have a 14-inch tumor removed from her leg: Updates

Wilson Phillips star Chynna Phillips is set to have a 14-inch tumor removed from her leg: Updates

Chynna Philips The 14-inch tumour on her leg was to be removed. While the tumor wasn’t cancerous, the Wilson Phillips singer was still scared about the upcoming procedure.

How long has Chynna Philips had a tumor on her leg?

Chynna explained that she’s had the tumor since she was a little girl. However, she didn’t reveal if the tumor was having adverse effects on her health and just revealed that doctors would be removing it.

“I have a tumor in my left leg,” Chynna said in a video uploaded to her YouTube account on April 22, 2024. “They don’t know if I was born with it or not. It’s totally benign, but it is large, and I’m talking very, very large. It’s like 14 inches long and four inches wide.”

Why is Chynna Philipps so scared of the removal of her tumor?

Chynna titled the video, “My Worst Fear Came True,” and gave fans a summary in the description.

“The one thing that I never imagined could happen to me did,” Chynna wrote in the video’s description. “I am so upset with myself for not seeing the writing on the wall. It could happen to anyone! Join me on my California walk around the holy block as I process all that’s…

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