Home Featured Kathy Smith, a 72-year-old wellness icon, reveals the carb cycling plan that helps her stay healthy.

Kathy Smith, a 72-year-old wellness icon, reveals the carb cycling plan that helps her stay healthy.

Kathy Smith, a 72-year-old wellness icon, reveals the carb cycling plan that helps her stay healthy.

You’ve likely heard all about the keto diet and other low-carb plans that are helping people reach their goal weight. But what if cutting about carbs just isn’t for you? “Then consider carb cycling,” suggests iconic wellness expert Kathy Smith, who credits the strategy with keeping her in amazing shape at age 72 and says she’s seen the technique work wonders for countless other women at midlife and beyond. “It’s so simple to do. Then you alternate by increasing your carb intake a bit, reducing it a little, and then doing the same for a while. Results happen quickly. And it feels so great, you won’t even need willpower.” To discover how you can harness a carb cycling plan for simple slimming and great health, keep reading.

What is carb cycling?

Carb cycling is a flexible and easy way to eat. The idea is to incorporate a few carb-free days based on healthy fats, protein and veggies. You can then alternate between these days and higher-carb ones, adding in a few more servings of fiber rich carbs such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, beans, or fruit. Aim to be active more on days when you consume higher amounts of carbs. Click here to find out how carb-cycling can improve adrenal gland function.

Why not eat all low-carb foods?

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