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Try a Dressage Ride a Test Clinic

Try a Dressage Ride a Test Clinic

You dressage, event and western dressage riders are looking to improve your scores in dressage tests? You may have a young horse who needs experience before his first competition. Need help overcoming your show-ring anxiety? Would you like to get a score for a new test you’ve been practicing or if you’re considering moving up a level?

Or maybe showing isn’t for you, but you’d like to have a measure of your training progress. The ride-a test dressage clinic can be the perfect solution for these and other situations.
Both English and Western dressage organizations offer virtual and in-person ride-a test clinics. They’re also sometimes called “fix-a-test” clinics, which may more accurately describe what is involved.

To get the best feedback at a ride-a-test clinic, choose a test you have struggled with or one from the next level that you’d like to master. Kim MacMillan

What Are Dressage Ride a Test Clinics?

Cheryl Holekamp United States Equestrian Federation licensed “S” dressage judge who has competed through FEI levels in dressage as well as in eventing, explains more about the goal and what is involved with a…

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