Home Featured Top Dog Snacks around the world.  What are the best snacks to buy?

Top Dog Snacks around the world.  What are the best snacks to buy?

Top Dog Snacks around the world.  What are the best snacks to buy?

First, there are a wide range of dog snacks from harmful and useless to healthy.

Dog snacks are not only tasty but also healthy. You don’t have to choose one or the other, or force your dog to eat one for their own sake, they will enjoy it.

The reason that ‘dog snacks’ get such a bad name, is that they liken them to human snacks, where anything goes. It is assumed that people will buy and eat the product if it’s filled with sugar and salt.

Less ingredients are better for dogs, just as they are for humans. It is better to give dogs treats made from 100% one-ingredient ingredients.

There are various market research reports around but they don’t always paint the whole picture. Instead, I’ll review briefly the most popular, at least in terms of volume.

Dog biscuits They are the worst offenders of what a healthy snack for dogs should be. They are also very cost-effective, so we can understand why they’re popular. 

Why give your dog a snack that is less nutritious than the commercial dog foods they consume? Why would you give your dog commercial dogfood that contains 70% wheat or 70%rice?

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