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The Vocal Talents of Cats: Olga’s Repertoire of Sounds

The Vocal Talents of Cats: Olga’s Repertoire of Sounds

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Hi, I’m Christopher! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my silly Russian Blue cat, Olga.

I was a Siamese Cat owner for over 20 years. He would constantly howl and talk. Unlike Olga he would never stop talking unless he was asleep or I was petting. I wasn’t used to having a quiet pet when I adopted Olga, and when she was a kitten, she sounded more like a mouse than a cat because her meows sounded like squeaks.

She’s more talkative now, especially in the morning before breakfast, and her vocal range is more expansive. Olga doesn’t have the chops of my Siamese, but she’s much louder and harder to ignore than when she was a few years ago. She didn’t make a sound in her carrier when…

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