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The Best Rums for Mojitos

The Best Rums for Mojitos

Most likely, you’re already familiar with the mojito, a refreshing mix of white rum, lime juice and sugar flavored with plenty of fresh mint and topped with soda water. Served tall and bubbly over ice, it’s an ideal cooler on a hot day. 

While many bartenders say they hate making mojitos—citing the labor of muddling mint for large groups of thirsty guests—the drink is relatively easy to make at home. It is important to select the right rum. 

It is aged (but not necessarily) in oak barrels. The aromas range from subtle brown sugar, vanilla, or coconut to fruity, grassy or citrusy notes. 

Mojitos are usually made using white rum. The rum is usually crisp and light. Some even have subtle citrus or herbaceous notes that compliment the other ingredients. White rum is a clear rum that makes the drink appear pristine. It shows off the limes and mint. 

Dark rum, on the other hand, can make a drink appear muddy. Some dark rums also have strong caramel, spice and toffee notes, which can overpower the freshness in a mojito. However, there are some…

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