Home Attorneys & Law Powered By An Added 18M Cases, Lex Machina’s New ‘Litigation Footprint’ Visually Maps Parties’ Litigation Historys

Powered By An Added 18M Cases, Lex Machina’s New ‘Litigation Footprint’ Visually Maps Parties’ Litigation Historys

Powered By An Added 18M Cases, Lex Machina’s New ‘Litigation Footprint’ Visually Maps Parties’ Litigation Historys

A new tool from the litigation analytics company Lex Machina, which is owned by LexisNexis, allows attorneys to view visual maps of a party’s litigation history in order to help illuminate the party’s relationships and litigation trends that might not otherwise be obvious but that could be a factor in crafting a litigation strategy or pitching new business.

Litigation Footprint is a tool that provides a visual representation of federal and state court locations in the United States where a litigant has appeared. It was developed by analyzing the litigation histories of over 27,000,000 cases filed at 94 federal district and over 1,300 State courts in 34 US states and District of Columbia.

“This feature is really meeting the customer request to provide the very broadest view of what’s happening with litigation for parties,” Carla Rydholm, head of product at Lex Machina, told me during a demonstration.

Mattel litigation footprint overview federal and state litigation

Lex Machina created this new product by adding more than 18 millions state court records, to its existing 9 million federal court and state court records. Most of these new records lack the enhancements and tagging of Lex Machina’s existing court…

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