Home Attorneys & Law Pretrial Integrity Act – New Resources

Pretrial Integrity Act – New Resources

Pretrial Integrity Act – New Resources

I am delighted to announce that the new Administration of Justice Bulletin is now available. The Pretrial Integrity ActIt is now available. It addresses several questions raised by S.L. 2023-75. This bulletin explores newly enacted laws and changes, including how different charges affect them, the impact they have on current pretrial release laws, as well as potential implementation challenges.

Among the topics covered are:

  • What judicial official sets up conditions when a defendant has been charged with a criminal offense that is not yet formed (solicitation of crime, conspiracy, or attempt) or a criminal offense under the theory of responsibility (acting as an accomplice, assisting and abetting or accessory before fact)?
  • What are the procedures that apply when a charge is initiated through a summons, citation or indictment
  • 15A-533(h) of the G.S. 15A-533 (h);
  • Examples of the measures implemented by some counties in response to the increased number of hearings.

There is a flowchart that provides guidance for visual learners, such as myself, on when, how and by whom the conditions of pretrial releases are to be determined for newly arrested individuals.

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