Home Education Fred Rogers Camp: the Legacy of Fred Rogers

Fred Rogers Camp: the Legacy of Fred Rogers

Fred Rogers Camp: the Legacy of Fred Rogers

Norton Gusky

A sold-out crowd, consisting of over 250 educators from Western Pennsylvania, drove early on a Saturday morning in March to gather at Ehrman Crest Elementary school in the Seneca Valley District School District in Pittsburgh. As part of frED Camp, the educators celebrated Fred Rogers’ teachings. The Ehrman Crest Elementary School is a 2022 Time Magazine award-winning building that is a living example of how “the Fred Method” is based on intentional learning. 

The “Fred” of this day-long workshop’s title is Fred Rogers, creator and host of the groundbreaking television series “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” Though many adults remember Rogers as a kindly presence on their childhood TV screens, his legacy includes extensive research into child development and a commitment to leveraging the technology of his day in groundbreaking ways. Beyond entertaining America’s kids, Rogers left behind a body of work that a growing community of educators are now using to improve the ways they teach and mentor children. 

“There’s a growing recognition that we see among teachers that this person they grew up loving for all…

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