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Flowers for Tea

Flowers for Tea

Text by Sara Stewart Martinelli

Since thousands of years, different botanica have been used to make infusions. To add aroma, flavor, and beauty to herbal blends as well tea (Camellia sineensis), flower petals can be added. There are many flowers that are suitable for tea making. However, not all of them are. Here are a few that are known to be safe and have a long tradition of use. They can also be used in your own blends because they are both beautiful and healthy. The best thing about using flowers for tea is that it’s fun, smells great, and deepens our connection to the natural world. If you are using flowers for internal use, make sure they have been grown organically and without any chemical pesticides. Flowers grown for florists are heavily sprayed to enhance the look of the flower. If you want the best quality, grow your own flowers or buy organic ones. The most common way to add flowers to blends is to add them to dry tea. The best option is to use freshly dried flowers to get the brightest color and strongest aroma.

Tea blends can be enhanced with dried chrysanthemums and roses. Butterfly pea flowers and butterfly peas are also tasty and colorful. Photography by 123rf.com/vinnikava.

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