Home Featured Experts Reveal How To Get Rid of a Cold Sore + the TikTok Trend You Shouldn’t Try

Experts Reveal How To Get Rid of a Cold Sore + the TikTok Trend You Shouldn’t Try

Experts Reveal How To Get Rid of a Cold Sore + the TikTok Trend You Shouldn’t Try

If you’ve ever had a cold sore, you’re familiar with the first hint of trouble. A tingling sensation is a warning that an unwanted visitor will soon appear, often at the most inconvenient time. A small spot can quickly become a visible blemish. It’s not just the itch or sting that’s annoying; it’s the embarrassment, too. And when symptoms flare, what you really want is to know how to get rid of a cold sore in 24 hours — if not sooner. Although it might seem impossible to make a cold sore vanish overnight, there are ways you can get rid of them. Can you imagine? You can ease the pain and speed up healing, as well as prevent future outbreaks. Here’s how.

What is cold sores?

Cold sores, also known as blisters or open sores, are painful and infectious. Herpes Simplex is responsible for the sores around or in the mouth. Transmission occurs through bodily fluids. This means that an infected person can spread the disease via saliva even when there are no visible lesions. Once the virus makes its way into your system, it’s there to stay, lying dormant before potentially flaring up again. These outbreaks are most contagious at the point of rupture, but generally run their course over 5–15 days.

“The prodrome of tingling is when you’ll start to see these little…

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