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Divine Mercy Sunday: The Meaning of Resurrection

Divine Mercy Sunday: The Meaning of Resurrection

Today’s Gospel records a post-Resurrection appearance of Jesus in which His mercy to sinners begins to flow.  Be careful!  It’s on!

Gospel (Read Jn 20:19-31)

The celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday usually focuses on the sheer ecstasy of His victory over death.  During Holy Week we focus on the horrific details of Jesus’ Passion.  When we reach Easter, our hearts nearly burst with joy that Jesus is alive and vindicated as God’s Son.  In other words, it’s easy to dwell on the The following are some facts about The Resurrection is so captivating that we are unable to think beyond that.  Divine Mercy Sunday is a day of mercy (yes, pun intended) because we now begin to reflect on the Resurrection. The word “meaning” is used to describe the meaning of this phrase. The Resurrection.  Today’s Gospel gets us started.

When Jesus miraculously appears among the apostles, we find they are locked in a room “for fear of the Jews.”  These fellows have not lately impressed us, have they?  Peter, James and John, his closest friends, slept in Gethsemane instead of praying and keeping watch.  John was the only apostle who stayed behind to witness the Crucifixion. The other apostles fled. They were reluctant to accept the testimony of the women whom Jesus appeared to.  But the word Jesus…

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