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Valerian Can Help With Anxiety

Valerian Can Help With Anxiety

Om Yoga Magazine
Valerian Can Help With Anxiety

Valerian Can Help With Anxiety

Siobhan Carlisle explores Valerian’s calming effects

Do you have anxiety and wonder if valerian could help? This article will explain how valerian root can help to relieve anxiety.

Valerian is a useful herbal medicine to treat generalised anxiety disorder, and can help ease anxiety during times of stress.

Valerian – Can it help with anxiety symptoms?

Valerian, an herbal medicine, is traditionally used to aid in sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and relieve muscle tension, headaches, and period pain, among other things.

It was used to treat convulsions and hysteria caused by air raids during World War I. It has also been used historically for epilepsy, convulsions and other nervous system complaints. In this blog I will examine its use specifically for anxiety to see how it can help.

What is anxiety?

I feel like it’s so common for us to be dealing with anxiety these days that everyone…

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