Home Crafts & Hobbies The Cruising Association hosts an evening of sailing essentials with its members

The Cruising Association hosts an evening of sailing essentials with its members

The Cruising Association hosts an evening of sailing essentials with its members

The Cruising Association hosts an evening to discuss the latest information and practical advice about orca encounters, EU Visas and Permits and more.

Topics discussed during the evening include the latest advice regarding orca interactions with smaller yachts. Zoe Barlow

On 21 March, the Cruising Association is holding a series on issues that impact sailors.

The evening, which starts at 1900, will feature concise 5 to 15-minute presentations lasting approximately one hour, followed by a Q&A session

The CA’s Regulatory & Technical Services group (RATS) will be sharing practical information about the following issues:

  • Orca: The interaction between orcas and humans off the coasts Portugal & Spain.
    Avoidance is a good topic to discuss.
  • HVO and Sustainable Developmentexamining Hydrotreated vegetable oil which could have an eco-friendly impact
    The pros and cons of a friendly alternative to diesel and regulatory considerations
  • Visa and Permits for the EUThe UK’s 90/180-day rule poses many challenges
    Citizens visiting Schengen Countries, with updates on positive development in some
  •  CE/UKCA (and RCD): Latest on Conformity Marking of Vessels in Service
    from outside the UK and the EU and exploring the impact of the UK Government’s
    CE Marking: Decision made
  • RATS Projects: Other issues such as battery technology are also discussed.
    End-of-life scrapping of boats, electrical systems and remote monitoring.
    Alternative propulsion systems, shore power connection, UV degradation, safety
    You can dive from your boat, as long as you have the right equipment, are in contact with emergency services, and know how to transmit information.

The event is free to attend for members; non-members will need to pay £7.

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Zoom is available to attendees who wish to attend the presentations in person at CA House London.

To book visit www.theca.org.uk/events/rats-evening

You may also like to read An evening of essential information on sailing with the Cruising Association.

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