Home Family Services 6 Ways that we Unintentionally Denigrate Our Spouses

6 Ways that we Unintentionally Denigrate Our Spouses

6 Ways that we Unintentionally Denigrate Our Spouses

I recall walking into a fight between my wife Susan and one of our children. Their discussion didn’t seem to be progressing very well and I decided to step in. Sadly, it made matters worse. Unintentionally I began speaking to You can also read about how to get in touch with us. Susan was really upset when she saw me treating them as if they were children. She was right to get angry with me. She’s an adult, and speaking to her the same way I spoke to a child was belittling.

I was trying to fix something, but never thought about the impact my tone would have on my wife. It is easy to do this in marriage, without even noticing. What are some other things we do to our spouses that they may not even realize? We can correct our course before we hurt the one we love most. Here are 6 unintentional ways that we belittle our spouse.

1. Comparing them with Others

It is always harmful to compare people negatively. When we compare our spouses negatively to someone else, we tell them they are somehow “less than.” Your spouse doesn’t want to hear that you think someone else is better at something. Comparison can lead to hurt feelings.

2. They are not Taking Their Contributions Seriously

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